Nolan Balzer
10+ Projects
Recent Projects Include:
“Snowbirds” (1 Spot)
(August 2019)
“Travel Insurance” (1 Spot)
(June 2019)
TBay Tel
“Kenora Fibre TV + Internet Bundle” (1 Spot)
(May 2019)
TBay Tel
“My TBay Tel App” (1 Spot)
(May 2019)
TBay Tel
“TBay Tel Public Wifi” (1 Spot)
(May 2019)
TBay Tel
“TBay Tel On Demand” (1 Spot)
(April 2019)
“Membership Rewards” (2 Spots)
(April 2019)
Tbay Tel
“Sports Brand Content” (1 Spot)
(March 2019)
TBay Tel
“Dryden Fibre” (1 Spot)
(January 2019)
Manitoba Public Insurance
“Auto Theft with Keys Campaign” (1 Spot)
(October 2018)
“Insomnia” (VO for Video Game)
(August 2018)
“Dryden Fibre Campaign” (2 Spots)
(March 2018)
“Adult Education Centre” (1 Spot)
(February 2018)
TI Comnet Japan
“The Professionals: Winemaker” (1 X 48 min Doc)
(February 2018)
“Latest Smartphones/Travel Savers/LTE Coverage” (3 Spots)
(January 2018)
TBay Tel
“Local Content” (1 Spot)
(December 2017)
“Winter COHO” (1 Spot)
(December 2017)
Enigma Escapes
“Voodoo Island” (short video)
(September 2017)
TI Comnet
The Professionals: “Company CEO Winning Big” (1 X 48 min Doc)
(November 2017)
“Customer Care (Mobility Guru)” (1 Spot)
(October 2017)
Petline Insurance Company
IVR Tracks (3 min)
(July 2017)
University of Manitoba
“Front and Centre Campaign”
(February 2017)
“TBayTel Christmas” (3 Spots)
(September 2016)
TI Comnet Japan
“The Professionals”: Prostheticist (VO Dubbing)
(October 2016)
The Campfire Union
“Lost Cities” (VR App)
(March 2016)
“Fall Connected Home” (1 Spot)
(September 2016)
TBay Tel
“Post-Christmas Campaign” (2 Spots)
(December 2015)
Travel Manitoba
“Visitor Information Centre” (Narration)
(December 2015)
TI Comnet Japan
“The Professionals: Watchmaker” (VO Dubbing)
(September 2015)
Tbay Tel
“Fall Connected Home” (2 Spots)
(August 2015)
Cupcake Digital
“Hotel Transylvania 2” (App)
(August 2015)
Tbay Tel
“Residential First Phone” (1 Spot)
(July 2015)
Tbay Tel
“Zen Dave” (1 Spot)
(July 2015)
Tbay Tel
“Summer Connected Home” (2 Spots)
(June 2015)
Zen Fri
“Clandestine: Anomaly” (Video Game)
(May 2015)
TBay Tel
“Mobile Internet” (1 Spot)
(May 2015)
Enigma Escapes
“Gamemasters” (Video)
(April 2015)
Tbay Tel
“Spring Connected Home” (2 Spots)
(March 2015)
Enigma Escapes
“Live Adventure Game”
(March 2015)
TBay Tel
“LTE Campaign” (1 Spot)
(March 2015)
Steinbach Credit Union
“Let It Shine” (Internal Video)
(February 2015)
TBay Tel
“Winter Connected Home” (2 Spots)
(January 2015)
TBay Tel
“Security Campaign” (2 Spots)
(January 2015)
TBay Tel
“Christmas Campaign” (3 Spots)
(October 2014)
TBay Tel
“NHL Centre Ice” (2 Spots)
(October 2014)
Think Shift
“Crop Rotation” (1 Spot)
(September 2014)
TBay Tel
“Fall Connected Home” and “NFL Sunday Ticket” (2 Spots)
(August 2014)
Manitoba Dental Association
“ADA TV Campaign” (2 Spots)
(August 2014)
Strika Entertainment
“Supa Strikas Broadcast Stings” (2 Stings)
(July 2014)
TBay Tel
“Back to School” (1 Spot)
(July 2014)
“Wonder Wood” (App Trailer)
(July 2014)
“Cheddar the Chess-Mouse” (Game)
(July 2014)
KOBA Entertainment
“Toopy & Binou”
(July 2014)
TBay Tel
“Summer Spots” (4 Spots)
(June 2014)
TBay Tel
“Safe Working Hours” (2 Spots)
(May 2014)
Buffalo Media Group
“Aloft Premiere” (V.O./Announcemnet)
(April 2014)
TBay Tel
“Connected at Camp (Rocket Hub)” (1 Spot)
(April 2014)
TBay Tel
“Spring CoHo” (Pre-show Cinema Commercial)
(April 2014)
TBay Tel
“Annual Spring Mobility Event” (2 Spots)
(February 2014)
TBay Tel
“Data Roaming” (1 Spot)
(January 2014)
TBay Tel
“Winter Brand Mobility” (1 Spot)
(January 2014)
TBay Tel
“Boxing Day” (1 Spot)
(December 2013)
TBay Tel
“Post Christmas” (4 Spots)
(December 2013)
Cupcake Digital
“Yo Gabba Gabba” (App)
(November 2013)
University of Manitoba
“Campus Video” (Narration)
(November 2013)
TBay Tel
“Christmas Campaign” (3 Spots)
(October 2013)
TBay Tel
“NHL Centre Ice” (1 Spot)
(September 2013)
TBay Tel
“NFL Sunday Ticket” (1 Spot)
(August 2013)
TBay Tel
“Digital TV Service” (1 Spot)
(August 2013)
TBay Tel
“Fall Connected Home” (2 Spots)
(August 2013)
TBay Tel
“Fall Mobility/Back to School” (2 Spots)
(July 2013)
TBay Tel
“TBay Digital TV” (1 Spot)
(July 2013)
Winnipeg Regional Health Authority
“Care Clinics” (1 Spot)
(June 2013)
TBay Tel
“Website Launch” (1 Spot)
(June 2013)
TBay Tel
“No Service-itis” (1 Spot)
(June 2013)
Eyetech LASIK Clinic
“Eyetech LASIK Clinic” (1 Spot)
(June 2013)
Strika Entertainment
“Chek-iCoast Supa Strikas Commercials” (3 Spots)
(June 2013)
Cupcake Digital
“Goodnight Wubbzy” (App)
(May 2013)
TBay Tel
“Greentec + Data Roaming” (2 Spots)
(May 2013)
TBay Tel
“Rocket Hub” (2 Spots)
(April 2013)
TBay Tel
“Spring CoHo” (1 Spot)
(April 2013)
TBay Tel
“Spring Connected Home” (1 Spot)
(March 2013)
TBay Tel
“Spring Mobility Event” (1 Spot)
(March, 2013)
TBay Tel
“Spring Mobility” (1 Spot)
(February, 2013)
TBay Tel
“Business Radio” (1 Spot)
(February, 2013)
TBay Tel
“BlackBerry Z10” Radio (2 Spot)
(February, 2013)
TBay Tel
“Connected Home” (3 Spots)
(January, 2013)
TBay Tel
“Brand Difference” (2 Spots)_
(December, 2012)
TBay Tel
“Post Xmas” (4 Spots)
(December, 2012)
TBay Tel
“Kenora Campaign” (1 Spot)
(December, 2012)
Leisure World
“Rv Show N’ Sale” (1 Spot)
(December, 2012)
TBay Tel
“Disaster Relief”
(November, 2012)
TBay Tel
“Mobility Radio” (2 Spots)
(September, 2012)
TBay Tel
“Network Now” Fall Connected Home” (3 Spots)
(August, 2012)
TBay Tel
“Connectd Home/ PPV” (3 Spots)
(July, 2012)
TBay Tel
“Back to School, Mobility” (2 Spots)
(July, 2012)
Confederation College
“Graduation” (1 Spot)
(June 2012)
TBay Tel
“Business Bundle” (2 Spots)
(June 2012)
CBS Sports
“CBS Sports App” (1 App)
(May, 2012)
TBay Tel
“HUB Campaign” (3 Spots)
(May, 2012)
TBay Tel
“Connected Home – Spring” (4 Spots)
(March, 2012)
TBay Tel
“Move” (1 Spot)
(March, 2012)
TBay Tel
“No More Excuses” (1 Spot)
(February, 2012)
Ed-Online Technologies
“The Wilson’s Promo” (1 Spot)
(February, 2012)
“Protelec Radio” (1 Spot)
(January, 2012)
“CXO” (1 Spot)
(December, 2011)
TBay Tel
“Post Christmas” (1 Spot)
(December, 2011)
“Radio Regional Campaign” (1 Spot)
(December, 2011)
“Waysgo” (1 Spot)
(October, 2011)
TBay Tel
“Christmas Radio” (5 Spots, 6 tags)
(October, 2011)
TBay Tel
“Rocket Hub Edit” (1 Spot)
(October, 2011)
“Richard Scarry” (1 Spot)
(October, 2011)
TBay Tel
“Kenora Number Portability” (1 Spot)
(August, 2011)
TBay Tel
“Regional Back to School” (1 Spot)
(August, 2011)
TBay Tel
“Kenora Number Portability” (1 Spot)
(August, 2011)
TBay Tel
“Fall Bundle Promo Radio” (1 Spot)
(August, 2011)
TBay Tel
“TBay Tel Fall V and Internet Promo” (1 Spot)
(August, 2011)
“Clavet Organization Campaign” (1 Spot)
(June, 2011)
Agape Table
“Radio” (1 Spot)
(July, 2011)
TBay Tel
“Kenora” (1 Spot)
(July, 2011)
TBay Tel
“Summer Brand Spot” (1 Spot)
(June, 2011)
TBay Tel
“Hub Campaign” (1 Spot)
(May, 2011)
Manitoba Public Insurance
“Motorcycle Safety” (1 Spot)
(May, 2011)
Manitoba Dental Association
“MDA TV Campaign” (1 Spot)
(March, 2011)
Manitoba Public Insurance
“Focus Testing” (1 Spot)
(January, 2011)
“TBayTel DIgital TV” (1 Spot)
(January, 2011)
Youth For Christ
“Center for youth excellence” (1 Spot)
(December, 2010)
TBay Tel
“Special Olympics” (1 Spot)
(November, 2010)
Stonewall Quarry Park
“Stonewall Quarry Park” (1 Spot)
(November, 2010)
TBay Tel
“Visit a Dealer Campaign” (1 Spot)
(July, 2010)
“Malt Barley Edits” (1 Spot)
(November, 2010)
“Shakes Shake” (1 Spot)
(August, 2010)
TBay Tel
“Back To School” (1 Spot)
(July, 2010)
“TV Advertising” (1 Spot)
(June, 2010)
“Caillou” (1 Spot)
(July, 2010)
“Web Video” (1 Spot)
(May, 2010)
City of Winnipeg
“Sewage Upgrades” (1 Spot)
(May, 2010)
TBay Tel
“No More Excuses” (1 Spot)
(January, 2010)
Saskatchewan Dental Association
“Saskatchewan Dental” (1 Spot)
(January, 2010)
TBay Tel
“Pre Paid” (1 Spot)
(December, 2009)
TBay Tel
“After Christmas Internet” (1 Spot)
(December, 2009)
“Salesmason” (1 Spot)
(December, 2009)
TBay Tel
“12 Days of Christmas TV” (1 Spot)
(November, 2009)
TBay Tel
“12 days of Christmas TV” (1 Spot)
(November, 2009)
Seven Clans Casino
“Answering Machine” (1 Spot)
(December, 2009)
City Wide
“Rent and Relax” (1 Spot)
(October, 2009)
O’Dell Advertising
“MIG Insurance” (1 Spot)
(August, 2009)
TBay Tel
“Fall campaign Internet Faster” (1 Spot)
(August, 2009)
“The Perfect Pot of Coffee” (1 Web Video)
(July, 2009)
Manitoba Dental Association
“MDA TV Campaign” (5 Spots)
(July, 2009)
Garden City Shopping Centre
“Father’s Day” (1 Spot)
(June, 2009)
Regional Cancer Care
“Prostate Man” (1 Spot)
(May, 2009)
Manitoba Public Insurance
“Motorcycle” (4 Spots)
(May, 2009)
Winnipeg Blue Bombers
“Phase 2&3 of Winnipeg Football Club Season Ticket Radio” (1 Spot)
(April, 2009)
O’Dell Advertising
“MIG Insurance” (4 Spots)
(April, 2009)
Cargill AG Horizons
“On Hold Messaging” (1 Spot)
(April, 2009)
Lakehead University
“TSN TV Spot” (1 Spot)
(March, 2009)
Frantic Films
“Moments” (1 Spot)
(March, 2009)
Picante Advertising
“Street Tales” (1 Spot)
(April, 2008)
Manitoba Public Insurance
“Driver Safety” (1 Spot)
(October, 2008)
City of Winnipeg
“Leisure Programs” (1 Spots)
(March, 2008)
Confederation College
“Summer Academy” (2 Spots)
(April, 2008)
“Brand Awareness” (2 Spots)
(March, 2008)
Special Olympics
“Winnipeg Wine Festival” (3 Spots)
(March, 2008)
“Magnify your profit” (1 Spot)
(March, 2008)
TBay Tel
“Home Phone” (1 Spot)
(December, 2007)
Manitoba Tobacco Reduction Alliance
“2nd Hand Smoke Revised” (2 Spots)
(December, 2007)
Rainbow Stage
“Full Monty” (3 Spots)
(November, 2007)
James Richardson International
“Ag Partners” (2 Spots)
(December, 2007)
TBay Tel
“Internet Elf Radio” (3 Spots)
(November, 2007)
O’dell Advertising
“Tough Duck” (3 Radio Spot)
(October, 2007)
O’dell Advertising
“Tough Duck” (1 Radio Spot)
(October, 2007)
ASPER Tower Inc.
“Fan Forum Video” (1 Spot)
(October, 2007)
Cargill AG Horizons
“Malternative” (2 Spots)
(September, 2007)
“Brand Seeds” (1 Spot)
(October, 2007)
Cargill AG Horizons
“Integration Phase 2” (1 Spot)
(July, 2007)
Manitoba Dental Association
“TV Spots” (1 Spot)
(July, 2007)
“Integration” (1 Radio Spot)
(July, 2007)
Saskatchewan Association of Chiefs of Police
“Cyber Bullying” (2 Spots)
(June, 2007)
Warehouse One
“Summer” (1 Radio Spot)
(May, 2007)
Garden City Shopping Centre
“Summer” (1 Radio Spot)
(May, 2007)
Special Olympics
“Winnipeg Wine Festival” (6 Radio Spots)
(March, 2007)
The College of Dental Surgeons of Saskatchewan
“TV Spots” (4 TV Spots)
(February 2007)
Manitoba Hydro
“Spring Power Smart” (1 Radio Spot)
(March, 2007)
“Take it Outside” (Radio)
(January, 2007)
Portage Place Shopping Centre
“Holiday Radio” (1 Radio Spot)
(November, 2006)
“Grey Cup” (1 Radio Spot)
(November, 2006)
Entegra Credit Union
“Personal Banking” (2 Radio Spots)
(November, 2006)
“We are the Difference” (3 Radio Spots)
(October, 2006)
Greenwoods Dental Centre
“Smile” (1 Television Spot)
(October, 2006)
Manitoba Pork
“Pig Finishing”
(October, 2006)
Children’s Hospital Foundation
“Dr. Goodbear Lottery” (4 Spots)
(September, 2006)
Saskatchewan Credit Union
“Make it Real” (5 Spots)
(September, 2006)
Manitoba Hydro
“Parade of Homes” (1 Radio Spot)
(August, 2006)
Portage Place Shopping Centre
“The New Black” (1 Radio Spot)
(August, 2006)
Canadian Securities Administrators
“This is Your Life” (1 Spot)
(August, 2006)
Frantic Films
“Bomber Boys” (1 Spot)
(June, 2006)
Saskatchewan Credit Union
“Soccer II” (4 Spots)
(June, 2006)
Portage Place Shopping Centre
“Father’s Day” (1 Radio Spot)
(May, 2006)
Statistics Canada
“Census 2006” (2 Radio Spots)
(May, 2006)
(May, 2006)
“Pre-Show and Closing”
(March, 2006)
Special Olympics
“Wine Festival” (6 Radio and TV Spots)
(March, 2006)
Cornerstone Credit Union
“Closed Captioning” (1 TV Spot)
(February, 2006)
Winnipeg Technical College
“Learn to Succeed”(1 Spot)
(January, 2006)
Portage Place Shopping Centre
“Jingle Bells 2” (1 Radio Spot)
(December, 2005)
“Donations” (Narration)
(December, 2005)
Portage Place Shopping Centre
“Holiday Kick-Off” (1 Radio Spot)
(November, 2005)
Portage Place Shopping Centre
“Jingle Bells” (2 Radio Spots)
(November, 2005)
Portage Place Shopping Centre
“Customer Service” (1 Radio Spot)
(November, 2005)
Winnipeg Regional Health Authority
“In Motion”
(October, 2005)
Victoria Lifeline
“Fall Campaign” (1 Radio Spot)
(September, 2005)
Granny’s Poultry
“Turkey” (2 Radio Spots)
(September, 2005)
Province of Manitoba
“In Motion” (3 Spots)
(September, 2005)
Statistics Canada
“Census 2006” Demo
(September, 2005)
Winnipeg Symphony Orchestra
“Fall Subscription”
(August, 2005)
Portage Place
“Fall Vibe” (2 Spots)
(August, 2005)
“Folklorama” (1 Spot)
July, 2005
Manitoba Public Insurance
“Immobilizer” Demo
(July, 2005)
Portage Place
“July Sidewalk Sale” (2 Spots)
(July, 2005)
“Feature Opener”
(June, 2005)
Portage Place Shopping Centre
“Father’s Day” (1 Spot)
(June, 2005)
Assiniboine Credit Union
“Best Rate Mortgage” (3 Tags)
(June, 2005)
“Integrated Marketing” (5 Tags)
(May, 2005)
Granny’s Poultry
“Chicken and Turkey Campaign” (4 Spots)
(May, 2005)
Portage Place
“Mother’s Day” (1 Spot)
(May, 2005)
Cambrian Credit Union
“Closed Captioning” (2 Spots)
(May, 2005)
Portage Place
“Spring Fashion” (1 Radio Spot)
(April, 2005)
Cargill Ag Horizons
“Jeopardy” (1 Radio Spot)
(March, 2005)
Winnipeg Real Estate Board
“Wilma & Greg” (2 Radio Spots)
(March, 2005)
Granny’s Poultry
“Chicken Radio” (3 Radio Spots)
(March, 2005)
Portage Place
“Juno Awards” (5 Radio Spots)
(March, 2005)
Portage Place
“Winter Clearance” (1 Radio Spot)
(January, 2005)
Portage Place
“New Years 2004) (2 Radio Spots)
(December, 2004)
Cambrian Credit Union
“Superbowl” (2 Spots)
(December, 2004)
Pointe West Auto Park
“Testimonial Radio” (1 Radio Spot)
(December, 2004)
Special Olympics
“Seat Sale” (1 Radio Spot)
(December, 2004)
Society for Manitobans with Disabilities
“Holiday Radio” (4 Radio Spots)
(December, 2004)
Cargill Ag Horizons
“Great Lakes Radio” (1 Spot)
(November, 2004)
Portage Place Shopping Centre
“Christmas Contest” (2 Radio Spots)
(November, 2004)
Portage Place Shopping Centre
“Christmas Radio” (1 Radio Spot)
(November, 2004)
North West Company
“Christmas Radio” (2 Radio Spots)
(November, 2004)
“Movies” (1 Radio Spot)
(October, 2004)
“Moving Sale” (2 Radio Spots)
(October, 2004)
Pointe West Auto Park
“Year End Clearance” (6 Radio Spots)
(September, 2004)
Portage Place Shopping Centre
“Senses Spree” (1 Radio Spot)
(September, 2004)
Portage Place shopping Centre
“Christmas in July” (1 Radio Spot)
(August, 2004)
Portage Place Shopping Centre
“Fall Fashion 2004” (1 Radio Spot)
(August, 2004)
Portaqe Place Shopping Centre
“Christmas in July” (1 Radio Spot)
(June, 2004)
Elections Manitoba
“Election 2004” (2 Radio Spots)
(June, 2004)
Portage Place
“Jazz at Lunch 2004” (1 Radio Spot)
(June, 2004)
Frantic Films
“MaryAnn Mihychuk for Mayor” (1 Radio/Television Spot)
(June, 2004)
Portage Place
“Father’s Day 2004) (1 Radio Spot)
(june, 2004)
Grace Hospital
“100th Anniversary” (1 Radio Spot)
(June, 2004)
Elections Manitoba
“Revised Radio Spots” (2 Radio Spots)
(June, 2004)
Province of Manitoba
“Travel Manitoba” (1 Television 1 Radio)
(May, 2004)
Society for Manitobans With Disabilites
“Easter Seal Society” (1 Radio Spot)
(April, 2004)
Winnipeg Real Estate Board
“It Pays” (2 Radio Spots)
(April, 2004)
Province of Manitoba
“Livestock Removal” (1 Radio Spot)
(April, 2004)
Manitoba Dental Association
“Healthy Mouth Campaign” (6 Radio Spots)
(April, 2004)
River East Transcona School Division
“Parent/Child Video”
(April, 2004)
Society For Manitobans Living with Disabilities
“Paper Egg Radio” (1 Radio Spot)
(March, 2004)
Portage Place
“Spring 2004” (1 Radio Spot)
(March, 2004)
McKim Communications
“RFP Everyday” (1 Radio Spot)
(March, 2004)
Manitoba Metis Federation
“Big Hart TV” (1 Television Spot)
(March, 2004)
Portage Place
“Film Fest II” (1 Radio Spot)
(February, 2004)
Portage Place
“Valentines Day” (1 Radio Spot)
(February, 2004)
Society for Manitobans with Disabilities
“Easter Seals and March of Dimes” (2 Radio Spots)
(February, 2004)
Portage Place
“NSI Contest” (Radio)
(February, 2004)
Portage Place
“Sidewalk Sale” (1 Radio Spot)
(January, 2004)
Palliser Furniture
“Wharnclife Road Opening”
(December, 2003)
Portage Place
“Shopping Contest”
(December, 2003)
Palliser Furniture
“Edmonton Grand Opening”
(November, 2003)
“News/BAAM” (1 Radio Spot)
(November, 2003)
“Moccasin Flats radio” (1 Radio Spot)
(November, 2003)
Portage Place Radio
“Christmas at Portage Place” (3 Radio Spots)
(November, 2003)
MPI Vehicle Occupant Protection
“Buckle Me In”
(October, 2003)
“Bingo and a Movie” (Radio Spots)
(September, 2003)
McKim Communications
“Writers Festival” (Radio Spots)
(September, 2003)
Portage Place
“Shoesale/Sidewalk Sale” (Radio Spots)
(July, 2003)
Portage Place
“Audio Recording for Golf/Jazz Spots” (2 Radio Spots)
(May, 2003)
Deschenes Reginer
“Elections MB” (Television Spots)
(May, 2003)
Portage Place
“Mother’s Day” (Radio Spots)
(April, 2003)
454 Media/Concordia
“Concordia Video Narration”
(April, 2003)
Manitoba Public Insurance
“Christmas Phone Operating Hours” (2 Radio Spots)
(December, 2002)
Palliser Furniture
“Instructional Video/Corporate Christmas Video”
(December, 2002)
University of Winnipeg
“Continuing Education” (4 Radio Spots)
(November, 2002)
Manitoba, Association of School Trustees
“Teen Pregnancy” (1 Radio Spot)
(October, 2002)
North West Company
“Radio Spots) (2 Radio Spots)
(October, 2002)
Province of Manitoba
“Golden Boy #2” (Radio Spots)
(August , 2002 – Manitoba Only)
Jeff Newman
“Manitoba Dental” (2 Radio Spots)
(Aug, 2002 – Manitoba Only)
CAA Manitoba
“Insurance” (2 Radio Spots)
(May, 2002 – Manitoba Only)
“Fix It, Don’t Replace It” (3 Radio Spots)
(April, 2002 – Manitoba Only)
Province of Manitoba
“Rural Forum” (1 Radio Spot)
(April, 2002 – Manitoba Only)
Westoba Credit Union
“Wheels” (1 Radio and Television Spot)
(April, 2002 – Manitoba Only)
Palliser (EQ3) Furniture
“EQ3” launch (4 Radio Spots)
(October, 2001 – Manitoba Only)
Manitoba Public Insurance
“Holiday Hours” (1 Radio Spot)
(December, 2001 – Manitoba Only)
Manitoba Public Insurance
“Graduated Licensing” (1 Radio Spot)
(September, 2001 – Manitoba Only)
Saskatchewan Credit Unions
“We’re On To Something” (3 TV Spots)
(August, 2001 – Saskatchewan Only)
Manitoba Dental Associations
“Visit Your Dentist” (6 Radio/TV Spots)
(July, 2001 – Manitoba Only)
Travel Manitoba
“Campaign 2001” (8 Radio Spots)
(June, 2001 – Manitoba Only)
CAA Manitoba
“Going Places” (3 Radio Spots)
(December, 2000 – Manitoba Only)
Avanta Canada
“Hyola 401” (4 Radio Spots)
(February, 2000 – Manitoba Only)
Youth Network News
“Bullying Hurts” (2 TV Spots)
(June, 2000 – Canada)
Province of Manitoba
“Manitoba Night” (1 Radio Spot)
(July, 1999 – Manitoba Only)