Jacqui Fox

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meter4 10+ Projects

Recent Projects Include:

Tbay Tel
“Super Smartphone Sale” (2 Spots)
(September 2022)

Tbay Tel
“VIP Sale” (2 Spots)
(August 2022)

Tbay Tel
“Super Smartphone Sale” (3 Spots)
(June 2022)

Tbay Tel
“Friends & Family Sale” (1 Spot)
(February 2022)

Tbay Tel
“Boxing Week” (1 Spot)
(December 2021)

Tbay Tel
“Mega Sale” (1 Spot)
(September 2021)

Tbay Tel
“August Flash Sale” (1 Spot)
(August 2021)

Tbay Tel
“July Flash Sale” (1 Spot)
(July 2021)

Tbay Tel
“Smartphone Sale” (2 Spots)
(June 2021)

Tbay Tel
“May Smartphone Sale” (2 Spots)
(April 2021)

Tbay Tel
“Download To Go/Mobility Sale” (3 Spots)
(March 2021)

Tbay Tel
“Friends + Family Sale” (1 Spot)
(January 2021)

Tbay Tel
“Super Smartphone Sale” (1 Spot)
(September 2020)

Tbay Tel
“August VIP Sale” (1 Spot)
(August 2020)

Tbay Tel
“June Smartphone Sale” (1 Spot)
(June 2020)

Tbay Tel
“Super Smartphone Sale” (1 Spot)
(March 2020)

Tbay Tel
“Boxing Week” (1 Spot)
(December 2019)

Tbay Tel
“Black Friday Sales” (4 Spots)
(November 2019)

TBay Tel
“Super Smart Phone & Oshtugon Appreciation” (2 Spots)
(June 2019)

TBay Tel
“Mobile Internet Hub” (1 Spot)
(May 2019)

TBay Tel
“Weekend Flash Sale” (1 Spot)
(May 2019)

TBay Tel
“Black Friday” (2 Spots)
(December 2018)

TBay Tel
“Black Friday” (2 Spots)
(October 2018)

TBay Tel
“Mobility 2 Week Sale” (1 Spot)
September 2018

Western Financial
“Petline Insurance IVR” (approx 3.5 min)
August 218

TBay Tel
“2 Week Smartphone Sale” (1 Spot)
(June 2018)

“Movie Star Planet” (1 Spot)
(January 2018)

TBay Tel
“Black Friday” (2 Spots)
(November 2017)

TBay Tel
“Mobility + Dealer Grand Re-Opening” (2 Spots)
(September 2017)

TBay Tel
“Mobility Sale” (1 Spot)
(August 2017)

TBay Tel
“June Two-Week Device Sale Radio” (1 Spot)
(June 2017)

TBay Tel
“Mobility Flash Sale” (1 Spot)
(May 2017)

TBay Tel
“Mobility” (2 Spots)
(March 2017)

TBay Tel
“Boxing Day” (1 Spot)
(December 2016)

TBay Tel
“Christmas” (1 Spot)
(November 2016)

TBay Tel
“Black Friday” (2 Spots)
(November 2016)

TBay Tel
“VIP Sale” (1 Spot)
(August 2016)

TBay Tel
“Retail Store Grand Opening” (2 Spots)
(May 2016)

TBay Tel
“Mobility” (1 Spot)
(February 2016)

TBay Tel
“Regional Mobility” (2 Spots)
(January 2016)

TBay Tel
“Post-Christmas Campaign” (1 Spot)
(December 2015)

TBay Tel
“Black Friday” (4 Spots)
(November 2015)

TBay Tel
“Mobility” (1 Spot)
(November 2015)

TBay Tel
“SQ3 Wireless Apple Launch” (1 Spot)
(October 2015)

TBay Tel
“Pre-Remote” (1 Spot)
(September 2015)

Tbay Tel
“Dryden Live Remote” (1 Spot)
(July 2015)

Tbay Tel
“Residential First Phone” (2 Spots)
(July 2015)

TBay Tel
“Summer Mobility” (2 Spots)
(May 2015)

TBay Tel
“US Travel Savers” (1 Spot)
(May 2015)

TBay Tel
“Live Remote Event” (3 Spots)
(March 2015)

Strika Entertainment
“KFC Broadcast Sting” (1 TV Tag)
(February 2015)

TBay Tel
“Spring Campaign” (2 Spots, 2 Tags)
(February 2015)

TBay Tel
“Black Friday” (3 Spots)
(November 2014)

Canadian Beverage Container Recycling Association
“Male 18-24 Recycling” (1 Spot)
(June 2014)

KOBA Entertainment
“Dora The Explorer” (1 Spot)
(April 2013)

Wellness Institute
“Wellness for Everyone” (1 Spot)
(November, 2012)

Ed-Online Technologies
“Last Minute Tips” (10 Episodes)
(August – October 2012)

Manitoba Public Insurance
“Focus Testing” (1 Spot)
(January, 2011)

Kildonan Place Shopping Centre
“Fall Mall Wide Sale” (1 Spot)
(September, 2009)

University of Manitoba
“Radio” (2 Spots)
(March, 2009)

“Fort Francis Security” (1 Spot)
(September 2008)

“Internet/Mobility” (1 Spot)
(September 2008)

St. Vital Shopping Centre
“Christmas” (2 TV Spots)
(November, 2005)

Warehouse One
“Clothes Horse” (1 Radio Spot)
(August, 2003 – National)