David Grenon

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meter4 10+ Projects

Recent Projects Include:

Province of Manitoba
“Protect MB” (1 Tag)
(January 2022)

Province of Manitoba
“Safe At Home” (1 Tag)
(December 2020)

Manitoba Healthy Living & Seniors
“Vaccine Rollout Recruitment” (1 Tag)
(December 2020)

Province of Manitoba
“Influenza” (1 Tag)
(November 2020)

Province of Manitoba
“Restart MB Fundamentals” (1 Tag)
(August 2020)

Enigma Escapes
“Escape Room VO” (Narration)
(May 2016)

Province of Manitoba
“Census Radio (Before & After)” (2 Spots)
(April 2016)

Province of Manitoba
“Census Radio 2016” (1 Spot)
(March 2016)

Province of Manitoba
“Education TV” (1 Spot)
(December 2015)

Province of Manitoba
“Green” (2 Spots)
(November 2015)

“Great Piggy Bank Adventure” (Video Game Trailer)
(March 2015)

“French Video Series” (Narration)
(October 2014)

Manitoba Finance
“Builder Bonds” (1 Spot)
(May 2014)

Manitoba Hydro
“Cold Weather” (1 Spot)
(February 2014)

Coelement Inc.
“Smart Pig Handling” (Narration)
(November 2013)

Province of Manitoba
“Hydro Bonds” (1 Spot)
(May 2013)

Province of Manitoba
“Builder Bonds” (1 Spot)
(May, 2012)

Province of Manitoba
“Health E Plan” (1 Spot)
(March, 2012)