Danny Kramer

10+ Projects
Recent Projects Include:
Canadian Beverage Container Recycling Association
“Male 18-24 Recycling” (1 Spot)
(June 2014)
Canola Council of Canada
“Make a Stand” (1 Spot)
(April, 2010)
Canola Council of Canada
“Radio” (1 Spot)
(June, 2010)
“TV Advertising” (1 Spot)
(June, 2010)
TBay Tel
“After Christmas Mobility” (1 Spot)
(December, 2009)
Winnipeg Free Press
“On Seven” (1 Spot)
(November, 2009)
Canola Council of Canada
“Malathion Radio” (1 Spot)
(July, 2009)
“Theme Recording” (1 Spot)
(November, 2007)
Inspyre Solutions
“Customer Service” (1 Spot)
(November, 2007)
Manitoba Hydro
“CO2 Re-Produce” (1 Radio Spot)
(November, 2005)
Manitoba Hydro
“CFL” (1 Radio Spot)
(October, 2005)
Manitoba Hydro
“Window Pain/Overheating” (1 Radio Spot)
(September, 2005)
Special Olympics
“Wine Festival” (3 Radio Spots)
(March, 2005)
Manitoba Public Insurance
“Speed: No Fear” (1 Radio Spot)
(April, 2004)
Vida Loca/Mars Hill
“Internet Strategy” (3 Radio Spots)
(September 2000 – Manitoba Only)
Warehouse One
“Back to School” (2 Radio Spots)
(August, 2003 – National)