Caitlyn Cassel

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meter3 5 – 10 Projects

Recent Projects Include:

“Self ID” (Narration)
(August 2019)

Confederation College
“Confederation College” (1 Spot)
(August, 2011)

Manitoba Public Insurance
“Focus Testing” (1 Spot)
(January, 2011)

University of Manitoba
“TV Spot” (1 Spot)
(September, 2010)

University of Manitoba
“TV Spots” (1 Spot)
(December, 2009)

TBay Tel
“Fall Campaign Internet” (1 Spot)
(August, 2009)

Confederation College
“Summer Academy” (1 Spot)
(April, 2008)

University of Manitoba
“” (1 Radio Spot)
(October, 2006)

Manitoba Liquor Control Commission
“MLCC Show Your Age” (1 Radio Spot)
(November, 2004)

MTS Communications
“It’s In Yellow” (2 Radio Spots)
(May, 2002 – Manitoba Only)